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Image City





Image City Gallery Pano
The wide-angle perspective distorts what is, in reality, a rectangular space.

Exhibition Opportunities

Image City Photography Gallery
722 University Avenue
Rochester, NY  14607

Image City Photography Gallery, located on Rochester’s ARTWalk in the heart of the Neighborhood of the Arts, was founded in 2005. The partners of the Gallery exhibit and promote their work and that of other photographers. The Gallery seeks diversity in photographic works and encourages the submission of portfolios for exhibition.

This video by Carl Crumley presents a brief description of the Gallery and information for prospective exhibitors. 

The Gallery offers Photographers a variety of options to rent exhibition space for four-week exhibitions:

● Display Panels in the Gallery interior 5 by 8-ft (H by W)
● Two Front Walls spaces with 10-ft wall space for each
● Neuberger Gallery available for individual Artist or small group exhibit with 28-ft wall space
● Main Walls with 78-ft wall space. Contact the Gallery to review pricing options when more than one photographer exhibits.

Main Wall Exhibitors pay a portion of the costs of advertising -- the printing of a minimum of 50 posters and 1,000 postcards for distribution, press releases, and web promotion to more than 4,000 recipients. The design and publication of all advertising elements are the responsibility of the Gallery.

Rental of exhibition space for the 4-week exhibit



Rental Fee

Featured Walls

Our most prestigious 78-ft of wall space


Neuberger Gallery

Individual or small group exhibits 28-ft wall space


Two Front Walls (each)

10-ft wall space for each


Display Panel

In Gallery Interior
5x8-ft (H by W)


Half-Display Panel

In Gallery Interior
5x4-ft (H by W)


Display of an artist’s work is contingent upon acceptance by the Gallery's Curatorial Committee. To schedule a portfolio review, or for more information, please contact us by mail, phone or email. For additional information or updates check the Gallery’s website. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interest.Display of an artist’s work is contingent upon acceptance by the Gallery's Curatorial Committee. To schedule a portfolio review, or for more information, please contact us by mail, phone or email. For additional information or updates check the Gallery’s website. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interest.

Click Here to send a message to the Curatorial Committee.

Dimensions described in linear feet are approximate.
All rental prices assume a 30% Commission on Sales.
Prices effective January 1, 2022 and subject to change.
Revised September 22, 2022.

Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦   Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540

In the heart of
ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts where our mission is
to create a quality exhibition and learning experience for photographers and the art-loving community.