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Gallery Pick of the Show

Portfolio Showcase 2019

 Gallery Partners have chosen their "Pick" of the Guest Photographers

click here to return to the details of the exhibit


All images copyright by the individual photographers

Ghost Station by Nick Jospe

Ghost Station
 by Nicholas Jospe

 The title of this engrossing photograph summarizes the haunted feeling Nicholas has provided by a clever use of both the selection of the subject and the lighting.  Much of the detail in the original structure is still visible from the doors to the windows, under the edge of the roof. 

Deterioration can be very engaging to the viewer, and this aging is demonstrated by the house, which was probably once a place of vibrant life.  The remnants of the building’s previous life still exist.  The chair at the front door reminds us that people used to sit here and look out at the country sided. 

We can still see the 2407 on the building, almost out of place as who would be looking for this address today?

Darkness is coming, with the sun setting, further reinforcing the mood conveyed by this photograph.  Black and white is the ideal format for this photo, adding to the mystery of this dark and moody building.  This demonstrates also the quality that can be achieved with creative use of an iPhone while on a bicycle…slowing yourself from the high speed of an automobile ride to a slower pace which encourages seeing and looking at building which would otherwise be passed by.

Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦    Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540
In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts